Even if there are thousands of bones in front of the Terran, we must throw our heads and stand in the blood of all the people!


After learning that the aliens of the Yanhuang Empire bowed to the Terran, the Tianjiao of Ziya Mountain admired Su Yu even more.
Terrans from lower planes can do this.
I waited for the Terran with the same height, but I didn’t do anything!
Now everyone is on the verge of death, but Wang Dacheng betrayed Su Yu!
This makes them angry!
"I’m a Terran, but I’m a higher Terran. It’s necessary for me to be an equal."
Speaking of human dignity, Wang Dacheng sneered.
With dignity, I’d rather live.
"oh? The rule that aliens are equal is made by people. I have never heard of it. "
Xuanye’s tone is indifferent.
Tens of thousands of years ago, Terran identity was still humble.
He hasn’t heard of this statement of higher terran yet.
It seems that after their fall, the surname Bai also raised the status of Terran.
"This …"
Wang Dacheng smell speech instant pale face.
He has forgotten whether these people are the "myth" of the venerable sir tens of thousands of years ago or their sworn enemies.
Wang Chuan withered face malicious crime took us eyes with a blood mans "nature is to kill you".
So let’s see what else you can do. If you want to kill my emperor, you should be prepared to die!
Whoever betrays the emperor will die!
Wang Chuan withered Wang Dacheng, who had just been complacent, completely entered the blacklist of many venerable persons.
"Hum a and alien equal! You and others boast that people are just the most humble creatures and have a face to live in people! "
XuanYe cold hum a whole body dead boiling he wants to crush this group of bugs!
"Ha ha, I’ve lived for tens of thousands of years and I haven’t heard of any advanced Terran foxes. If this group of Terrans is left to me, what?"
Xuanye sneered, no matter whether what Wang Dacheng said was true or not, he could know it in thousands of ways.
But Wang Dacheng believes that he is an equal of higher aliens. Xuanye will never agree with this matter!
That man killed tens of thousands of them, and now he is alive, but hundreds of people think that his hatred has become more and more fierce over the years.
If that person has someone, this terran includes Su Yu!
They all have to die!
"You can handle this person."
Fox nine also see this Wang Dacheng is a swing.
He felt the waves when he kept such a wimp.
Wang Dacheng died in a flash.
He’s dead. He’s smart.
Bowing their heads and looking down at the ground, a pile of bones Xuanye looked at Su Yu slightly coldly.
"You are his protector, so go to hell!"
Xuanye’s eyes are full of hatred for that man at the moment.
Su Yu people have been imprisoned and their momentum has not faded.
5 Chapter 5 An An Ai erupts
"Haven’t you been killed once tens of thousands of years ago?"
"Since I am the protector of Bai’s predecessors, are you afraid to kill me and die again?"
"It’s hard to keep practicing and live out the second life. If the white predecessors come, are you sure you can live with them?"
Su Yu calmly questioned the statue of the necromancer such as Fox Nine!
Tens of thousands of years ago, Mr. Bai could kill you for the first time!
After tens of thousands of years, Bai can kill you for the second time!
Su Yu voice falls fox nine silent.
Terran, alien looked at Su Yu speechless with shock.
Su Yu, this is a threat!
He’s not afraid of death!
No one knows that Su Yu’s palms and back are sweating.
He gambled on the necromancer and feared the white elder!
Bull saw Su Yu have such courage. He hooked his lips and sneered, "Wonderful is wonderful! In that case, you can ask them first if they will let you go? "
There is a bloody fog everywhere, and the dead slowly walk out of one bloody and solid figure after another.
These people are all covered with scales
"That’s the Terran. Authos is an honorable man."
"Next to it, next to it is the ancestor of the magic law magic Terran."
Each of them exudes a strong and oppressive momentum, and they are free to walk around. The pressure that can’t be gathered can still make people feel fascinated and depressed.
It’s the venerable one!
They are all necromancers!
Two more necromancers appeared in front of them at the same time!
Jia Xuanye, Fox Nine and Bull One actually gathered five necromancers!
The ruins and other horrors buried five venerable persons. If it is a pity that the venerable person was not resurrected, I am afraid that the man slaughtered more than five venerable persons!

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